Trained bed bug detection canines are the most accurate tool available for detecting these well-concealed insects. Dogs are proven to be 95-98 percent accurate in university studies, whereas a trained person is at best 40 percent effective at finding bed bugs when there are low-level infestations. An experienced inspector can search a room for hours with a flashlight and magnifying glass for bed bugs that are at most the size of an apple seed and the width of a credit card and still not find what a trained canine can detect within minutes. Canine inspections can prove cost effective by locating bed bugs before they become overwhelming infestations, potentially reducing the total treatment area of a building.
To learn more about Roscoe and our bed bug dogs, click here. See our answers to the most frequent asked questions about canine inspections.
In contrast, if you see bed bugs in your apartment, you don’t need a bed bug dog to verify what you know! Proceed to treatment of your entire unit with a top quality pest control company.