Rat Extermination and Control

No one likes Rats. At best, Pizza Rat is a curiosity. Pixar’s Remy got the Paris bistro shut down. And Master Splinter needs to stay in the sewers with the Ninja Turtles. While we love cartoons and pizza, Bell Environmental really loves being the scourge of NYC’s rats.

New York has seen a dramatic increase rat activity in the last two years. The CDC has warned of “aggressive rodent behavior” since the start of the COVID pandemic. Whatever the positives of NYC’s outdoor dining may be, these new structures and food sources have offered food and shelter to rodents and made NY’s always bad rat problems worse.

And did we mention that Rats carry diseases that endanger people and dogs? Hasn’t COVID taught us that we’re all vulnerable and we should minimize our connections to disease carrying animals?

Beyond screaming “Rats!” when you see them on your sidewalk, what should your building to do to prevent NY’s aggressive and out of control rat population from becoming your problem? Hire Bell Environmental. We’re experts on rat control and we give great service. Or to quote NYC’s Mayor Eric Adams- we “Get Stuff Done.”

Like any Bill Murray fan, we think like rodents and can handle any job. And our services are a great value because they protect people, pets, and properties damaging from encounters with these scary creatures.

Bell starts with an inspection and sees how the exterior of the building should be secured to stop a rat problem from moving indoors and infesting your office or kitchen. We look at how trash areas are maintained to reduce potential food sources for rodents that have had their normal food sources interrupted during the pandemic. Otherwise you could see rats visiting and doing more than hauling your trash across the street.

How else can rats get inside to scare your residents, employees, and customers? Are there burrows nearby? Signs rats are tunneling into the building? Slipping under a crack in the door? Crawling through an uncapped pipe? What type of vegetation is growing and debris is collecting outside your building? (Hint: high, untrimmed grass and abandoned construction supplies provide ideal shelter for rats, mice, rodents and other wildlife.)

Removing old construction supplies

and cutting back vegetation are important

ways to prevent rat issues.

Bell prevents rodents from entering by

showing clients which access points need to

be sealed such as this pipe penetration into the ceiling.

Bell showed the client the pipe that needed to be capped

to stop rats from getting inside its kitchen.

From there Bell Environmental develops a custom program that catches and eliminates rats and includes servicing all the key areas where these smart and cautious rodents access and spread through your building.

In contrast, other exterminators just give you a lot of promises, band-aid fixes, and excuses. Rats are too serious and scary a problem to use the wrong pest control company.

Bell Environmental’s experts are your best friends and rats’ worst enemies. We’re diligent, patient, know how to track their movements, and never let up. Don’t let your property, restaurant, school, or park end up on the NYC map of properties affected by rats.

Contact Bell Environmental online or call 877-376-1775 to discuss how our rat extermination and prevention services are right for your needs.

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