Commercial Pest Control and Bed Bug Control Experts
Dedication, Training and Expertise Put Us In A Different Class than Common NJ and NYC Exterminators
When it comes to pest and bed bug control, Bell Environmental knows what works and why. We have been in business 60 years, and this knowledge is transferred to our staff on an ongoing basis. All our commercial pest control and bed bug technicians are meticulously trained and monitored to ensure ongoing quality control practices.
We take a textbook approach to commercial pest control and bed bug treatment, following every rule to the letter— and never cutting corners. As a result, Bell has garnered a reputation as the NYC exterminator to count on for thorough, long lasting results. Our commercial pest control technicians focus on pests and our bed bug control technicians on bed bugs; each are specialists who know their industry inside and out.
We are also proud to boast about the industry-leading longevity of our workforce. Our average pest control technician has been employed by Bell Environmental for over 12 years, with some on staff for more than 25 years. This longevity and experience is unique in an industry with high employee turnover.
All pest control technicians are licensed, with licenses under their own names. Some have certifications in multiple states. The quality of our team is unmatched among NJ and NYC exterminators.
Eternal Vigilance Means We Actually Bend Down and Do The Work!
Our pest control specialists are respected and valued by our company and clients. Our technicians are experienced employees who take pride in Bell’s services and ownership of their work. Our pest control team has all the time and resources that are necessary to do their jobs right.
The same technician is appointed to perform your regular service on each visit. Our techs are loyal to customers and serve facilities for several years – and some for decades. Because our technicians go to areas where a client’s management doesn’t often go, we often make safety recommendations and alert them to when and where maintenance is required.
For Effective Treatment of Bed Bugs and Pests Training Makes all the Difference
Our outstanding results are based in large part on our commitment to thorough and continuous training at all levels. This approach ensures that all our commercial pest control and bed bug control employees are knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest methodologies.
We employ full time entomologists and dedicated supervisors to manage our technical operations and maintain quality control. Our entomologists design all pest control programs and visit every account on an ongoing basis. They’re out in the field evaluating the programs and ensuring our technicians’ work is up to Bell’s level of service. Our supervisors regularly meet with clients and are always accessible.
Bell Environmental’s supervisor to technician ratio is the best in our service area. Bell’s ratio of entomologists to technicians is 1 : 7 – unheard of in an industry where large companies have a ratio of 1 : 100-150 and most others don’t even have an entomologist on staff.
And, of course, a key part of our team— Roscoe and our other bed bug sniffing dogs — are rigorously trained on an ongoing basis by top-rated canine detection organizations.
Contact us online or call 877-376-1775 today to speak with our expert staff and learn how Bell can solve your bed bug or pest infestation issues.