Bell Environmental provides safe, thorough, and effective bed bug solutions so residences, schools, libraries, offices, stores, hospitals, vehicles and others no longer have bed bug problems. Thoroughness and service quality are the real keys to eliminating bed bugs. Our full range of treatments give you all the tools necessary to resolve any bed bug situation.

What We Do explains our exclusive InstantFreeze program and our other unique tools such as top quality preparation, fumigation, storage services to make your bed bugs go away. Our solutions are environmentally friendly and do not damage computers, furniture, and sensitive items.

What We Don’t Do explains why we don’t use steam or thermal/radiant heat methods. Steam is not thorough enough to treat your whole home and can damage your electronics and damage your furniture. Thermal heat carries significant fire risks – putting your life and home in danger during and after treatment. Radiant heat can also damage your personal items, fail to eliminate bed bugs, and can often spread them to neighboring rooms and apartments.

Where We Go shows our entire service area. Bell Environmental serves both of our Tri-State regions that are centered around New York City (NY-NJ-CT) and Philadelphia (PA-NJ-DE). We treat homes and offices in New York City and Philadelphia and their suburbs every day. Bell Environmental frequently gets calls to solve bed bug problems in Pennsylvania camps, Hamptons beach houses, Connecticut offices, New Jersey hospitals, and Philadelphia-area schools and colleges- and everywhere in between!

Whom We Serve describes how our bed bug solutions eliminate problems for residents of single family homes and multi-dwelling units. We also eliminate bed bug issues for schools, libraries, hospitals, computer data centers, stores that want effective solutions that allow them to stay open rather than shutting down. Our solutions can safely treat sensitive medical equipment, computer servers, and other electronics.