Every restaurant wants growing buzz, but not like this! New York’s rodent problems are growing while Health Department inspectors now post grades online and prominently in restaurant windows. Among the most frequent health violations in restaurants are signs of mice and insects.
See the news about:
•Number 7 restaurant in Brooklyn
•Bobo in Greenwich Village
•The Fordham Dining Facilities
•SouthWestNY in the World Financial Center
•Cafeterias at investment banks HSBC, Credit Suisse, and Merrill Lynch/Bank of America (That’s something more immediate for bankers and traders to worry about than their bonuses or Occupy Wall Street protestors on their doorsteps.)
•and who can forget that Taco Bell in Greenwich Village that was overrun by rats? It even was mentioned on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.
Restaurants – watch out! After you are forced to close due to health violations, it’s unclear how many of your patrons will want to return. As noted in one article: “someone who frequently eats lunch at the restaurant and even has a rewards card, likely won’t be going back now.” And did that Taco Bell ever get its reputation restored?
Moreover once you get a bad review, it is easily available for everyone to see. It won’t just be posted in your window, it’s also available online and as a free iPhone app called “Know Before You Eat!“ That’s as troubling than a poor Zagat review!
Don’t be pennywise and pound foolish with your pest control provider. Stop paying for an exterminating service that leaves you with rodents and insects, and therefore risks your business being shutdown and customers being scared off.
Change to Bell Environmental! Our top quality services solve your rodent issues, eliminate other pests and prevent new problems! Click here to learn about how we serve the food service and hospitality industries.