NBC4 interviewed Bell Environmental last night about the New York City’s new report of 2011 bed bug statistics. Bed Bug complaints to New York City’s 311 in 2010-11 showed modest growth of 3% from the prior year. New York was lucky- it would’ve been bed bug statistics from the leading bed bug company, Bell Environmentalmuch worse if not for our exceptionally cold winter and unusually cool spring.
•The modest increase in the number of bed bug calls to 311, does not mean that New York City is getting control of its bed bug problem. Bed bugs remain a major and growing issue for residents of and workers in New York City and the surrounding areas. Residents often don’t call 311 when there is an issue, so this is not an accurate measurement.
Moreover bed bugs didn’t go away they just took a break. Bed bugs tend to be less active in the cold weather, and 2011’s colder-than-usual winter and spring resulted in a break from bed bugs for many people. In addition, bed bug eggs can remain dormant in colder weather. As the weather has heated up over the last several weeks, we’ve seen an increase in our call volume and bed bug efforts and at Bell Environmental.
Now that summer is in full force, be careful- you can get bed bugs from anywhere- taxis, buses, offices, the movies, hotels, hospitals, and even from your children coming home from camp.