It’s been an interesting week for US and international politics – two topics we don’t cover in this blog.  Amidst all the reporting, we saw a really interesting article about a different kind of battle in the White House- one that has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do pest control issues.

Bugged: Obama’s Roach Problem
As in cockroaches. But vermin is nothing new in a building that is 213 years old–and roaches aren’t the worst of it.
By George E. Condon Jr.
The National Journal | September 13, 2013 | 5:27 p.m
It was just a cockroach, one of millions around the world. But this one had a White House address, making it pretty special. Well, special at least to the reporters with workspace in the often-troubled basement of the press offices. Already this year, they have been treated to flooding, soaked carpet, mousetraps and the wondrous odors of mold.

“It was the size of a small drone,” said Martha Joynt Kumar, professor of political science at Towson University, who led the effort Wednesday to capture the bug. Kumar, who has worked out of the press offices studying the president-press relationship for almost four decades, wanted to turn it into the General Services Administration, the agency responsible for the building. “I wanted to bag it so that the GSA would know what kind of issue we had,” she said. “I chased it. But it got away behind some wiring.”

It is, of course, not the first time bugs or vermin have done battle with the humans who work in the 213-year-old building. Humans have not always prevailed easily – much to the deep frustration sometimes of the president of the United States.

Read the rest of the article here.  This isn’t the first we’ve hear of insect issues at the White House. First The Onion’s wrote a funny (and fake) article “White House Infested With Bedbugs After Biden Brings In Recliner Off The Curb.”  Then Obama swatted a fly during an interview.


The federal government should give Bell Environmental the chance to solve the pest problems at the White House. How would we eliminate their insect and rodent issues? By thoroughly attacking the whole situations, eliminating the problem, and never letting up so the problems do reemerge. We’ll implement our exclusive Zero Pest Zone System– and you won’t have any the President, the White House employees, Press Corps, or First Family concerned anymore. The White House won’t have to have the General Services Administration (GSA) and Department of the Interior battling over whose to blame and what tools they can use.

Please call us!  We can be there right away, and set up a program to be there all the time!