We’re sad to say that a New Mexico woman died of Hantavirus, rare illness spread by rodents
CBS News reported the story today
Kiley Lane’s mother says she has no idea how her daughter was infected with the disease, which is passed to humans through contact with the urine or droppings of infected rodents. YOUCARING
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A 27-year-old woman has died from a rodent-borne disease about three months after she first started showing symptoms. In early February, Kiley Lane of Aztec, New Mexico, tested positive for Hantavirus, a very rare and serious illness passed to humans through contact with the urine or droppings of infected rodents.“A month ago she was going to go to Costa Rica with a bunch of girlfriends, and enjoy a fun week. Now she can’t even go do anything on her own,” said Lane’s mother Julie Barron told CBS affiliate KRQE at the time.
Barron said she had no idea how her daughter could have contracted it.
We’re again highlighting the public health risks carried by rodents.