We encourage everyone to download Bell Environmental’s FREE Smartphone App “Roscoe’s Tips,” which is available for Apple, Android and Blackberry phones and tablets. You’ll really want this app on your phone before traveling for Memorial Day or a summer vacation. Click here for links to the app on all of these platforms.
The app is designed to help you avoid getting bitten and prevent bringing bed bugs into your home from your you travels. Keep this easy to follow guide with you when you travel to avoid bites, follow the step by step and pop-up instructions, and keep bed bugs from hitchhiking a ride into your home. We apologize that the app was unavailable in the iTunes store for a little while- we’ve corrected this problem, retitled it for iTunes as “Roscoe’s Bed Bug Tips,” and made sure you can download it by clicking here.
Regardless of the type of accommodations you stay in, it is a good precaution to check your room using bed bug tips from Bell Environmental.