We’re excited about celebrating Lunar New Year with our Asian friends. On the Chinese Calendar February 1 will be start of the Year of the Tiger. This New Year beginning February 1 is a chance to put the past year of troubles behind us and start fresh. The tiger is an uplifting animal that brings hope. Unfortunately, we have still have some lingering issues that seem to plague NY in 2022. While Covid Omnicron strain is a persistent concern, we’re just as concerned with one 4-legged animal that spreads disease and trouble. This problem has been with NY for centuries – RATS.
By the Chinese Zodiac or Sheng Xiao (生肖), 2020 was supposed to be the the Lunar Year of the Rat. However judging by the news headlines, 2021 was still the Year of the Rat – not the Ox.
In November, The New York Times provided an overview on the past year’s rising rat reports and troubles and Time Out New York provided a map of the city’s rat troubles but these early November articles wrapped up the year too soon. Because there was more news to come.
December 5 – Rats took over abandoned lots
December 16 – Outdoor Dining exacerbated rat issues
December 21 – Rats swam into celebrity toilets – we never thought wee’d put that phrase in a blog.
December 25 – Rats emerged in fancy Tribeca apartment buildings
Whatever the calendar or lunar year, NYC’s rat problems are really terrible. But Bell Environmental keeps our customers safe from this tough, ugly, and growing urban issue. Learn more about our rat solutions and methods. Contact Bell online or at 877-376-1775 to discuss how our pest control services are right for your needs.