Apple’s CEO announced the new iPhone 5 today. During his presentation Tim Cook called the device the company’s thinnest, lightest smartphone ever. The phone will run on higher speed LTE networks. The iPhone 5 is made out of glass and aluminum. It has a larger screen that now shows five rows of icons. It looks really cool and we can’t wait to get one!
In his presentation, Cook also noted that the App Store now has 700,000 applications for sale with 250,000 specifically for the iPad.
Of all of these apps, only two are endorsed by the pest control experts of Bell Environmental, and have “The Roscoe Seal of Approval.”
CLICK HERE to Download Roscoe’s Tips for the iPhone for FREE.
The greatest risk for encountering bed bugs appears to be while people are traveling. Regardless of the type of accommodations you stay in, it is a good precaution to check your room using bed bug tips from Bell Environmental. This app shows you how to do real searches for these well-hidden bugs, so you aren’t bitten by these insects and don’t take them home from your travels.
CLICK HERE to download the “Roscoe the Bed Bug Dog” game on iTunes for only $1.99
In the game, Roscoe is hired to uncover the bed bugs hiding in the furniture and walls of different locations. Hunt and sniff all over the rooms to uncover the hidden bugs, and then kill them with your InstantFreeze gun. If you’re fast, accurate, and thorough, Roscoe will complete each job for a handsome profit and dog treats, and will progress to more challenging searches. Bell Environmental Services, recommends you try Roscoe the Bed Bug Dog. In addition to being fun and challenging – it’s educational. The game also teaches you where bed bugs really may hide in your home or hotel. In addition, the application “Roscoe’s Tips” is included for free with the game.