Appreciated Comment during Mets’ Broadcast, Roscoe Is Ready to Help If Needed
NEW YORK, June 24 /PRNewswire/ — Bell Environmental Services, whose leading bed bug sniffing beagle Roscoe was referenced by Jerry Seinfeld during his appearance on last night’s Mets broadcast, has offered to provide free bed bug detection services to both the comedian and recording artist Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga used Seinfeld’s suite at Citi Field on Monday after being involved in a disturbance in her field level seats in which she insulted Mets fans. Seinfeld, appearing last night as a guest in the SNY broadcast booth with Keith Hernandez and Gary Cohen, made a comment that, “We brought the bed-bug dog in, Rusty, what’s his name? The beagle and it’s all clean.”
“Rusty” is actually Roscoe the Bed Bug Dog, the lead canine inspector at Bell Environmental Services, which is a leading provider of bed bug services in New York City and the Tri-State area. Roscoe is a celebrity in the pest management field and has gained a growing fan base among New Yorkers based on both his work and his appearances in Bell’s television commercials. Roscoe, a two-year-old beagle, is also featured on the company’s vehicles and has his own Facebook page.
“The truth is Roscoe did not inspect Jerry Seinfeld’s suite at Citi Field, but he’d be more than happy to do so free of charge,” said Jennifer Erdogan, of Bell Environmental Services, based in Parsippany, N.J. “We’ve made a formal offer to him, via his management group, as well as to Lady Gaga as well.”
While Seinfeld intimated that Lady Gaga may have spread bed bugs into his suite at Citi Field was clearly a joke, experts at Bell Environment Services say that people who often stay in hotels — such as Lady Gaga and Jerry Seinfeld — are more likely than others to encounter bed bugs. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers and often spread to new areas by creeping into open luggage in hotel rooms. The quality of the hotel has little to do with bed bugs, either, says Erdogan, of Bell Environmental Services. They’re not a result of unsanitary conditions or anything of that natures, she says.
Roscoe Is Ready to Help
Roscoe, a big Mets fan who was watching the Mets broadcast last night appreciated the reference and shrugged off being called “Rusty,” he said in a statement.
“I’m Roscoe and I’m very sharp at my job. Just as the character Jerry was complimented that baseball star Keith Hernandez would recognize him in one of the Seinfeld episodes, I’m flattered that the real life Jerry Seinfeld would remember me from my TV commercials, or from seeing me on the fleet of Bell vehicles all over New York City. I’m a little surprised that Jerry misstated my name, but yada yada yada all is forgiven,” said Roscoe.
“I’m in Jerry’s neighborhood — the Upper West Side — a couple times a week on business, and he may have seen me or even had friends or neighbors use my service. I’d be more than happy to throw Jerry a bone — that’s dog humor — and inspect his stadium box, or home for him. And that goes for that Lady Gaga, too.”
Statement from Roscoe the Bed Bug Dog
Bed Bug Sniffing Beagle
Bell Environmental Services
Since last night’s Mets game against the Detroit Tigers, in which comedian Jerry Seinfeld made reference to me as part of his burgeoning feud with singer Lady Gaga, I’ve received many calls and emails from friends, family and fans. Many were excited that a person of Jerry Seinfeld’s stature would mention me on air. Others, though, were surprised that he thought my name was Rusty.
I was watching the game, and my initial reaction was: Thanks for the mention, but I’m Roscoe! Between my TV ads, my face on a fleet of Bell vehicles and all the work I do in New York City, I get a lot of recognition. But I understand that Jerry splits his time between the West Coast and New York City, so he doesn’t see me as often as most other New Yorkers do.
Just as the character Jerry was complimented that baseball star Keith Hernandez would recognize him in one of the Seinfeld episodes, I’m flattered that the real life Jerry Seinfeld would remember me from my commercials, or from seeing me on fleet of the Bell Environmental vehicles all over New York City. I’m in Jerry’s neighborhood — the Upper West Side — a couple times a week on business, and he may have seen me or even had friends or neighbors use my service.
After meeting with my people at Bell Environmental Services, I’d be more than happy to throw Jerry a bone – that’s dog humor — and inspect his stadium box, office, or home for him. And that goes for Lady Gaga too. I like Lady Gaga’s outfits — after all I’m a dog who goes to work wearing just a collar.