Preventing and Treating Bed Bug Infestations in the Workplace

Minimize Revenue and Productivity Losses with a Proactive Approach and Pesticide-Free Treatments.

FAIRFIELD, NJ – August 25, 2014 – Bed bugs are a public health issue that continues to plague office buildings, retail stores, movie theaters, libraries, and other workplaces. Bell Environmental Services, a leader in pesticide-free bed bug control, advises companies and organizations to take a proactive approach to bed bugs by preparing an action plan.

No business is at fault for having a bed bug problem. “Bed bugs can be easily transported by employees or customers into the workplace and quickly spread throughout an office,” said Glenn Waldorf, director of Bell Environmental Services. “All managers dread getting a call about a bed bug sighting, but what’s worse is not being able to respond to an incident with an effective action plan that resolves an infestation quickly and with minimal interruption.”

There is little time to discuss how to handle bed bug issues once these insects are suspected or reported. Shutting down locations and relocating employees causes panic and brings unwanted attention. These interruptions impact productivity, sales activity, employee morale, retention, recruiting, and reputation. An organization cannot depend on an urgent call to the building’s regular pest control company because many companies do not have the proper expertise, skills, scale, and tools to respond to bed bug problems.

Winning a battle against bed bugs requires extensive cooperation among different departments, including human resources, and the contracted pest control firm. Elements of a bed bug action plan include:

Employee Education – Provide employees with educational resources so they can identify the signs of a bed bug infestation. Encourage two-way communication about problems while maintaining discretion.

Ongoing Canine Inspections – Businesses should implement an ongoing inspection program using certified canine detection teams. Early detection prevents bed bug infestations from expanding into large, expensive problems.

Protocols for Traveling Employees – Before traveling, employees should be taught preventative measures including how to inspect their hotel rooms and proper care of luggage upon their return.

A Vendor with Safe, Thorough, and Effective Methods to Eliminate Pests –Treating bed bugs is different than eliminating other pest infestations. Employee desks and computers need to be treated in a safe and thorough physical manner that does not risk damaging office property. Your pest control company should:

  • Meet your company’s needs to remain open for business without interruption
  • Use only physical methods that are safe for treating computers, electronics, office furniture, employees’ personal items, and inventory
  • Avoid the use of pesticides which are typically ineffective on these insects, can leave odors, and cause damage
  • Provide follow-up treatments to the affected areas to eliminate problems and fulfill government protocols

For advice on developing a proactive program to anticipate and solve bed bug issues, please contact Bell Environmental Services.
About Bell Environmental Services Owned and operated by its founding management, Bell Environmental Services has been a leader in commercial pest control and bed bug treatments for over 50 years. Bell Environmental’s exclusive InstantFreeze® program is a pesticide-free, effective way to eliminate bed bugs without any interruption to business operations. InstantFreeze is a safe way to treat computers, electronics, and fine furnishings. Bell Environmental has dedicated teams that provide proactive and discreet bed bug inspections and treatments 24/7/365 to businesses throughout the New York Metropolitan region. Please contact Bell Environmental at 973-575-7800 or visit www.bell-environmental.com.